
Please note you'll need a valid License to use Cost-it. Please contact us if you don't already have a License.

  • EV Code Signing Certificate update. Cost-it needs to be reinstalled for Users who already installed an earlier version.
  • Cost-it's internal components upgrade.
  • Fix a regression: copy users access rights when duplicating a version.
  • Ignore case when making sure a variable is not used anymore before deleting it.
  • Code clean-up.
  • New costs are now added below the selected one. Name Column's width is also automatically adusted.
  • Ignore case when searching for formula using a variable that was edited.
  • Ignore case when looking if a WBS Item already exists before creating it.
  • Correctly refresh display when using indexation and NPV toggle buttons in Costs Per Metrics reports.
  • Display Mobilization and O&M dates in general project information section of Costs Window.
  • Prevent windows from freezing after resuming from sleep/hibernation.
  • Add the possibility to type in durations in years when creating a project or editing a version.
  • Initialize language settings for default type, category and wbs based on users' Cost-it settings rather than users' computer settings.
  • Bug: correctly handle Wbs name updates where there is already an existing WbsItem with this new name.
  • Add icons to show modified costs since last connection.
  • Add a button to display/hide percentages in profit and loss statement.
  • Redesign of costs' Work Breakdown Structure setup view.
  • Add financial statements button in Costs view to manage depreciations and overheads, and show profit and loss statement.
  • Unit Costs can be defined using a formula
  • Enhance project import/export performance
  • Enhance context menu's style for disabled items
  • Restore previous behaviour when editing a single quantity in Cost Edit Window and when filters are applied : the filtered view is not refreshed
  • Include subtotal lines in Mobilization and O&M tables in Cost Edit Window
  • Rework sequence showing/hiding windows when opening/closing a version
  • Correctly detect if a datagrid is filtered, espacially when using several filters.
  • New feature when right clicking on a table that allow to duplicate quantities and values until the end of periods.
  • Make cost's comment textbox fit to the window dimensions.
  • Cost's comment textbox is now readonly instead of disabled when user cannot modify the comment, so that scrollbars are usable.
  • Correctly store UpdateTimestamp in UTC timezone when updating cost's comment.
  • Speed-up SQL request in watchdog, preventing showing message that asks the user to refresh data in reports when there is no need.
  • Correct a typo preventing cost types split from being reloaded from a previous report when showing Timebased graph.
  • Reports are now fully loaded only the first time, and information is displayed when data changed to allow users to manually update their reports.
  • Information is displayed in Costs View when another user changed data.
  • Addition of a context menu on Unit Cost, in Cost Edit Window to allow users to easily multiply and divide by 12.
  • Disable autofit columns when exporting Excel in Reports to speed up exports in bigger projects.
  • In Cost Edit window, users can now click on the graph to select the corresponding entry in the Mobilization or O&M table.
  • BugFix: Correctly save data in UsePattern Window and prevent violating duplicate key when using multiple patterns.
  • Addition of Formatted Year column in Excel export.
  • Retrieve user settings after upgrades.
  • Improve Reports' performance.
  • BugFix: Correctly store users' preferences so that they are not reset when Cost-it is updated.
  • Addition of Mobilization and O&M Costs in Reports.
  • Addition of waiting message when needed in Reports.
  • New button in Costs Window to allow to cut a Cost.
  • BugFix: Refresh cost data from database when using "paste" function on previously copied cost that was also modified.
  • Addition of functionality to transfer Cost from one Department to another.
  • Fix issue when summary value was returned with exponential notation in Compare Versions.
  • Take users' preferences into account when displaying numbers in Compare Versions.
  • Fix translation issue to avoid falling back on Windows' default language when code is executed in a background thread.
  • Cost-it is now also available in French
  • Addition of the "Use pattern" functionality in Cost Edit Window
  • Correctly compare currencies when comparing Versions
  • Correctly display thousand separator in graphics
  • Prevent application from crashing when user doesn't have rights on a Department
  • Correctly use Index values to display WBS hierarchy
  • Enhance loading time of WBS trees
  • Application signed with updated Signing Certificate
  • Cost-it now includes a Costs Library
  • Rework Buttons in the whole application
  • Addition of Expenditure Type in costs to make Opex/Capex separation clearer
  • In Costs window, the subtotal are now calculated when filtered are used
  • In Reports window, users can extract a book of assumptions containing all costs' comments
  • User's manual update
  • Users with PM rights can now compare 2 versions
  • Users with PM rights can move Versions up and down
  • Versions can now have a description
  • Improve Time management by managing with timezones
  • Improve copy/paste from excel by dealing with excel formatted data
  • Allow user to determine whether Metrics are cumulative or not
  • Addition of NPV fonctionnality
  • Display friendly message where there is no project visible to users
  • Prevent user from double clicking on scrollbars in Costs Window
  • Typo: Categoy corrected to Category in Cost Edit and Add Cost windows
  • Migration to .NET 4.8
  • Use User Settings' CultureInfo to display license expiration date
  • In Cost Edit Window, allow comment Window to be opened when Cost is ReadOnly (save button is disabled though)
  • Prevent Reports' controls from being used before data are fully loaded
  • Addition of Base Currency information in Excel exports
  • Keep track of the selected Metrics when changing Department, even if the last selected graph was not Costs per Metrics
  • When editing a cost, make sure currency symbol initialization in done when data is completely loaded
  • In Costs Window, correctly handle Move Up and Moven Down actions after using Copy/Paste
  • Rearrange Reports layouts (Chart pies and Costs per Metrics) to better fit smaller screens
  • Correct disappearance of comment icon when editing an already existing Cost
  • Addition of Cost per Metric computation for the whole Project duration in Reports
  • Format is kept when copying/pasting empty title columns in the clipboard
  • Make sure data is fully loaded before authorizing users to load Previous or Next Cost in Cost Edit Window
  • Make sure data is fully loaded before authorizing users to close Cost Edit Window
  • Correctly show End of Mobilization and Beginning of O&M vertical lines in Reports graphs
  • Enhance the way Cost-it handles disconnections originating from server admin
  • Enhance application reliability when editing the next or previous Cost in Cost Edit Window
  • Don't display the dirty flag in Cost Edit window while loading the next or the previous Cost
  • Display Instance information in the File menu
  • Provide User Manual in the Home menu